How To Make Turmeric Tea Recipes That Reduce Inflammation

Nature can offer us lots of remedies for our pains and troubles, especially when we have a thorough knowledge of each plant’s benefits. But what about the lesser known plants and their healing powers? For instance, how many times have you used turmeric in your natural treatments? ...

How To Freeze Fresh Eggs

Even though it might not sound like a difficult job, freezing fresh eggs has come to be somewhat of a skill. The first thing you need to know is why you can do this. Well, because having some eggs ready for an omelet or some french toast is always good. The second thing is that the ...

Pickled Green Onions

This recipe is super simple to make and worth a try if you have some extra green onions sitting around, or they are just on sale at the store. Onions are great as they give a base and flavor for your favorite dishes. But what about pickled onions? Have you tried one so far? If not, ...

Homemade Bread Cups For Soup

The idea behind it is very simple: prepare a tasty soup and serve it inside a large piece of bread. But the secret, as there is always one, lies in the bread. How to prepare that bread, in order to avoid it getting soaked and moist? Well, you can make these great homemade bread cups ...

Chocolate Caramel Turtle Flan Recipe

If you like desserts, but baking is not one of your strongest points, you can always look for easy recipes. Easy desserts don’t require a lot of baking skills and time to be ready and everyone can prepare them. This amazing and very taste chocolate and caramel turtle flan is ...

Rainbow Leopard Cake Recipe

Leopard print just never goes out of fashion. Whether we are talking about clothes, furniture or daily objects, leopard print seems to be present is our lives at every level. If you are a fan of this unique print, you can even learn how to make a leopard print cake. This cake would ...

Easy Homemade Flour Tortillas

There’s nothing in this world that can compare with the smell of fresh bread. Homemade bread and pastries are the best and their fresh scent has no equal. If you want to prepare homemade bread, but would like a lighter version of it, you can make this delicious flour tortilla. ...

DIY Simple Chocolate Decoration Cake

It’s getting harder and harder to impress with desserts. The plenitude of ideas and recipes out there has really toughened the competition. That’s why you have to be extra creative and that’s also why we show you how to make a simple chocolate decoration cake. You ...

4 Delicious Salads-In-A-Jar

Working in a stressful environment and being in a constant rush can easily result in skipping lunch hours. This usually happens once in a while at first, but can quickly become a habit and have harmful effects on our health. If you don’t have time to prepare a healthy lunch ...
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