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30 DIY Repurposed Headboard Ideas


Changing your old bed, doesn’t mean you have to throw it out once you got a new one. At least not all its pieces. When it comes to the matress it’s quite obviouse how you can reuse it. But what about the other pieces of the bed, such as the headboard? Well, the headboard is not fire wood either, as you can make some changes and transform it into a bench. Just clean it, make small reparations if it’s damaged and then repaint the whole structure. This way you can make some brand new furniture pieces for your home or outdoor space. For instance, transform an Continue reading “30 DIY Repurposed Headboard Ideas” »

Portable Power System: Powerbag Back Pack


A back pack, which will power your laptop for several months, sounds like a dream right? Not anymore, as this is no longer a dream with this awesome back pack recently released on Kickstarter and called Met AIr Solstice. The back pack has a 2.2 pounds battery inside that will last much longer than any regular battery and you can charge your laptop, phone and tablet. You can even charge two items at once as the Met AIr Solstice has 2 separate ports. There is also another version of this charger, called Met Air Ranger and can provide you power source when camping or in cases of emergency. It’s a more powerful solution than Continue reading “Portable Power System: Powerbag Back Pack” »

How To Easily Make Superhero Stress Balls


Working in a stressful environment will do no good for your health and well-being, but sometimes switching your job is not an option. This doesn’t mean you can’t reduce stress factors around you or try to make yourself feel more comfortable in a stressful situation. Some people let out steam by doing sports or meditating, but stress balls are a cheap and practical option for everyone and will help you reduce a lot of stress. What’s great about them is that you can even make your own stress ball at home, as you will only need 4 supplies: balloons, flour, a pair of Continue reading “How To Easily Make Superhero Stress Balls” »

How To Build A Backyard Swing Set


An outdoor space will never be complete without a swing. If you have plenty of free space in your backyard, building a swing can be a great idea and your whole family will be pleased. Children will have a place where they can pass the time in the summer and adults can have a nice and relaxing time enjoying the sunlight. An outdoor swing is not a cheap investment, but you can make it affordable by building it yourself. Continue reading “How To Build A Backyard Swing Set” »

650 Sq. Ft. Prefab Timber Cabin


Prefabricated homes are increasingly popular for a variety of reasons, among them the relatively quick build time, the ecological advantages, and the flexibility they can provide across a range of budgets. Most of them can be installed in a day, cost less than any other home on the market and are welcoming and comfortable. The house has a wooden structure, which is well isolated and features a modern and airy interior. The beautiful large windows of the house contribute to the brightness of the interior and make it perfect for either a permanent residence or a holiday house. Continue reading “650 Sq. Ft. Prefab Timber Cabin” »

How To Make A Rocket Stove Made From a Five Gallon Metal Bucket


If you have a garden, but are still missing a barbecuing space making a rocket stove would be a nice option. Rocket stoves are very easy to build and they will last a long period of time. Besides, they run n twigs, so you will be saving a lot of trees this way as you won’t have to chop all that wood that you would be using otherwise for a barbecue. A rocket stove can be made in different ways, the most popular being the ones build out of bricks. But let’s take a look at this other approach which is more DIY as you will be using a five gallon metal bucket to build the stove. Continue reading “How To Make A Rocket Stove Made From a Five Gallon Metal Bucket” »

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed In A Tank


A huge garden is a luxury not everyone can afford and in case you live in a house, but your outdoor space is limited, a smaller garden can be a real savior. A tank garden is one option as it doesn’t occupy a lot of space and you can grow your own herbs and vegetable. In addition to this, a tank garden is very easy to build and a small investment, so you don’t have to spend all your savings to make this cool type of garden. Continue reading “How To Build A Raised Garden Bed In A Tank” »

How To Split A Bottle


What makes Coca Cola famous, besides its secret ingredients, is the one of a kind bottle that is recognized by anyone around the world. The iconic Coca Cola bottles had many special editions over the years, always coming back to the classic shape that everyone loves. If you have a small collection of Coke bottles at home or simply want to try out a new fun project, you should make a Coke drinking glass. The process is easy, but it may not turn out as you wished for at first. Don’t give up and keep on trying until you’ll get a perfect glass shape. What you’ll have to do is remove the label Continue reading “How To Split A Bottle” »

DIY: How to Repurpose Old Leggings


This super easy fashionable top can be done by anyone at home, you just have to own a pair of leggings. As leggings are starting to go out of style these days, you can easily transform them in a cool top that is trendy and awesome. It will be the perfect top for a summer festival or a beach party. The trick is simple, take a pair of leggings that have a nice print and a pair of scissors. Cut the back part of the leggings as this will become the décolletage of your top, so cut it as deep as you would like it to be. Than all you need to do is try on your new cool top and match it with a pair of pants or a fashionable skirt. Continue reading “DIY: How to Repurpose Old Leggings” »

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