Raising chickens can be extremely beneficial for a family or a person. But before you can yield the produce (eggs and meat), you must invest. Taking care of your chickens entails offering them the best quality living space just as much as providing with food every day. There are a lot of information about the site, the size, storage space and sturdiness you will need to know before going into your own DIY chicken coop building project. Continue reading “Backyard Chickens: How to Design Your Chicken Run” »
Learn How You Can Grow Your Own Apple Trees From Seeds
How would you like to grow your very own apple tree and have fresh apples whenever you want to? You can do this with the help of apple seeds and some helpful tips and tricks. But first, there are some important materials you need to have, such as: an apple, compost, pots, paper towel, plastic bag and a knife. Start by cutting the apple in half and get out the seeds. You should use more than one apple’s seeds to make sure the project will be successful. The next step will be the germination of the seeds, which is the hard part. Wrap the seeds in a paper towel, wet it and place in a plastic bag. Continue reading “Learn How You Can Grow Your Own Apple Trees From Seeds” »
An Easy Guide To Building Raised Gardening Beds
Raised beds are becoming a real trend in gardening, but not everyone knows what raised beds are. Here are some extra information that will make this whole concept a lot more clear for you and will help you decide if raised beds are what you are looking for or not. Using raised beds is ideal for those who would like to get into gardening but the quality of their soil is not great. By opting for a raised bed, Continue reading “An Easy Guide To Building Raised Gardening Beds” »
Thinking Wood Oak House
Initially for a child’s playhouse, this project has grown arms and legs. The specification has been raised at each stage, and now the frame is entirely waney-edged timber that is scribed to fit. All the windows have been purpose made, and the floor will be sunken to give more headroom for adults. Continue reading “Thinking Wood Oak House” »
Unique Cob Cottage in Mayne Island
Featured in numerous books on natural building, this unique cob cottage is a welcoming and cozy retreat hand sculpted of local, sustainable natural materials located on a lovely acreage with sheep, gardens and orchards. This cottage is quite rural and mostly agricultural with several farms and a small private vineyard. Take a look at all 27 photos… Continue reading “Unique Cob Cottage in Mayne Island” »
How to Create Newspaper Pots for Seed-Starting
Do you wish to grow your own garden? If costs of materials are stopping you fulfill this desire, learn that you can save some money on alternative pots and do good to the environment in the process! We present to you the newspaper pots for seed starting. This clever little technique is the best when it comes to starter seeds. Because the material is biodegradable, the plants can go directly in the soil after they’ve grown from seeds. Continue reading “How to Create Newspaper Pots for Seed-Starting” »
DIY Embroidered Eggs
Thinking about making something different with the Easter eggs this year? Well, you will love this next project as it combines traditional elements with modern ones and leaves plenty of space for your imagination. Making the embroidered eggs from the photos is an easy task and you can create any pattern you want on the egg shells. Besides this working with these shells is much easier than you would’ve thought and combining them with sewing will result in a beautiful Easter decoration. The basic supplies for this decoration are: raw eggs, a Dremel, needles and embroidery thread. You will need the Continue reading “DIY Embroidered Eggs” »
Floating Solar-Powered Waternest Eco-Home
Does modern city-life rush you away from your own thoughts? If you too have been searching for a way to live in harmony with nature, independent from the city, than we have just the thing. More like, just the Solar Powered Floating Eco Home. With no worries for foundation, trees to remove, a concrete driveway to pour, or even land to buy, the WaterNest 100 is the perfect answer to living completely independent. The pod is a floating unit that can be placed on lakes or bays, along river courses or calm waters sea areas. The stylish eco-friendly home has been designed by Italian architect Giancarlo Zema. The 100 sqm is 98% recyclable. The materials are almost all recycled glued laminated timber and recycled aluminum hull. The 4 m high structure Continue reading “Floating Solar-Powered Waternest Eco-Home” »
15 Crafty Desserts Ideas: Too Cute To Eat!
Creating the best desert is a true art, especially when it comes to cakes. A great cake has some elements of success, such as an awesome taste, a moist structure and a beautiful look. Each of these is equally important, but looks and decoration are the first thing that everyone notices, so don’t ignore this part. If you want to surprise a huge arts and crafts enthusiast with a birthday cake, these crafty desserts should be very useful. Continue reading “15 Crafty Desserts Ideas: Too Cute To Eat!” »