The cold weather makes us think about spring almost constantly. This also means, searching for nice crafts project that can bring a spring-like atmosphere in your home. But as the interior space shouldn’t be the focus of attention in spring, your garden should play a bigger part in this period. To decorate your garden beautifully, try this easy tutorial that will help you create ladybugs for your garden. Continue reading “DIY Cute Golf Balls Ladybugs” »
Old Push Cart Tucked Turned Into A Mobile Planner / Journaling Center
Organizing your stuff, whether it’s your crafting tools or your documents, shouldn’t be an intricate process. Tools are available for you to use in this regard. Don’t despair if you haven’t got what you need, just make it yourself with what you have around the home. The DIY community is here to help you with the process. Making a mobile organizer which you can push around the house, Continue reading “Old Push Cart Tucked Turned Into A Mobile Planner / Journaling Center” »
Tour of an Off Grid Solar Cabin
With a lot of people not affording financially a large house or apartment like they used to in the 1990s and which you commonly see paraded provocatively on TV shows or movies, the tiny home option has become increasingly attractive. An off the grid tiny house is even more sought because it gives the owner a financial freedom that they wouldn’t find with another accommodation option. In the video provided here Continue reading “Tour of an Off Grid Solar Cabin” »
Carved Wood Chairs: Monsieur Tulipe and Madame Marguerite
Here are two amazing wooden carved chairs, created by Nathalie Lete , a French artist…. This artwork was accomplished with the great collaboration of Antonis Cardew and Clement Poma. Continue reading “Carved Wood Chairs: Monsieur Tulipe and Madame Marguerite” »
Unique Camping Pods
Here’s a bunch of really great camping pods, all fully furnished, so all you have to do is turn up and relax! The camping pods are unique.
An example of this.. is in the York area. Each pod is furnished, including a deep mattress bed, a sofa and a heater!.. Take a look.. Continue reading “Unique Camping Pods” »
How to Crochet Lego Pattern
If you have a little Lego fan at home, trying out this next tutorial it’s a must. Kids simply love Legos and that’s great, as playing will them contributes to the development of your child’s creativity. But one of the reasons Legos are so popular among the children is that they can easily construct anything with them and they come in so many shapes and colors. To recreate these features Continue reading “How to Crochet Lego Pattern” »
DIY Beehive In A Jar
Producing your own food at home is always a good idea, and this is also true when it comes to honey. As you know, in order to make honey you will need a beehive, which can’t be found on every corner. You’re in for a treat today, as you will learn how to set up your own beehive in your yard. You don’t even need to live in the suburbs for this project, as a small backyard will be sufficient. The tutorial was created by Continue reading “DIY Beehive In A Jar” »
How to Make the Most Perfect Bacon Ever
Not all have the cooking skills of a 5 star restaurant chef. But sometimes, tips and tricks get us closer to that position in people’s eyes. That being said, we’re sure we all like our bacon to be crisp and tender and definitely not crumbly or dry. The trick behind the technique is using water in a skillet with the Continue reading “How to Make the Most Perfect Bacon Ever” »
The Edge, A Tiny Beach Cottage
Who would have thought that you could find an impressively nice looking house on top of a cliff in Whitsband Bay, with superb views to the ocean and accessible beachfront? The 320 square feet tiny home located in the UK can be the perfect accommodation for anyone who seeks relaxation, awesome panoramas and – most of all – inspiration. From the first step you take inside, you get awe-struck by the Continue reading “The Edge, A Tiny Beach Cottage” »