The chicken swing keeping chooks happy

The Chicken Swing Reduce coop boredom and provide an activity for all breeds and ages of chickens with The Chicken Swing, which is fun–and fun to watch! The engineered and patented design allows the chickens to keep the swing in motion themselves while sitting or standing on ...

Cop saves Donkey from oncoming highway and drives him to safety

This little donkey is one lucky jack! Kyle Canaan who is a local police officer received a phone call from the Oklahoma police and was asked to go to the rescue of a wild donkey.

A family of 4 built a private Tiny Village where the kids have their own homes

This story is amazing!. Tiny homes will never go out of style as they are affordable and easy to build. This Kentucky-based family has built a small village of tiny homes for the entire family, so they can all live in the same place but still maintain their privacy.

A family of 4 built a private Tiny Village where the kids have their own homes

This story is amazing!. Tiny homes will never go out of style as they are affordable and easy to build. This Kentucky-based family has built a small village of tiny homes for the entire family, so they can all live in the same place but still maintain their privacy.

Goth Chicken Is Completely Black from Its Feathers to Its Bones

A goth chicken is not something you’d expect to see in a coop, right as it sounds more like the name of famous artwork. The Ayam Cemani is one of the most unique-looking chickens of the world, as it is a fully black chicken, from head to toes. The Ayam Cemani has its origins in ...

These “Clear” Succulents Look Like Glistening Jewels Growing From the Ground

Succulents are among the easiest plants to look after, as they are not pretentious and can resist in almost any environment. These plants have become very popular in recent years thanks to their cute shapes and Instagrammable looks, but these Haworthia cooperi succulents are game-changers.

Dishwasher Magnet Covers

So beautiful with vibrant colors. These Dishwasher Magnets are gorgeous and such a fun addition to any kitchen! I love the colors and patterns and how it distracts from messes by drawing the eye away from my unwashed dishes! Hand-crafted, washable, made in Canada.

A family of 4 built a private tiny-house village where the kids have their own homes.

Tiny homes will never go out of style as they are affordable and easy to build. This Kentucky-based family has built a small village of tiny homes for the entire family, so they can all live in the same place but still maintain their privacy.

Living In A Modern EcoVillage

What it’s like living in an Ecovillage. Welcome to the “Aardehuizen”, or “Earth houses”. It took over 3 years to build and was built by the people themselves following the Earthship principles, using mostly recycled, reused, and locally sourced building materials. ...
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