Redecorating your home entails an effort of creativity and a well thought design ahead of any other planning. You could opt for the easy route and just shop for a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture from any design inclined store. But you don’t have to do that. There are plenty of DIY projects you could easily implement. Look at these ideas for an old sewing machine re-used as beautiful furniture. Transforming one such machine, Singer of any other brand for that matter, Continue reading “Various Ways To Reuse An Old Sewing Machine” »
How to Build a Log Bed – Tutorial
If anyone could have the bed of their dreams, the world would be a much better place; simply because we will have the sleep we always wished for! This rarely happens and the industrial scale made beds don’t actually fit our needs very often. A DIY solution is making the particular bed we want to sleep in. The rustic themed bed featured Continue reading “How to Build a Log Bed – Tutorial” »
10 Gardening Tricks For Your Garden
A stunning garden is what most home-owners wish; once they’re satisfied with the quality of the interior design, of course. But taking care of a garden is not quite a task which everybody can handle with ease. There are a lot of issues that might interfere with your race to getting the most beautiful and impressive garden in the neighborhood, or maybe in the whole city. The most important resource when dealing with a garden is time. But if you can only afford to spend Continue reading “10 Gardening Tricks For Your Garden” »
DIY Dandelion Pom Pom
Dandelions are one of the signs of summer and joy, as they are brightly colored. Passing through a dandelion meadow can bring back nice memories and can brighten everyone’s day. Unfortunately it’s kind of hard to plant a whole meadow in your garden, but you can always search your crafting box for yellow yarn and create your own dandelions. You will need the following materials: Continue reading “DIY Dandelion Pom Pom” »
DIY Crochet Baby Owl
When dealing with toys, uniqueness is important! We all know children are very picky with their toys. Seeing another kid playing with the same type of toy will perhaps condemn that toy to no play-time in the future. This handmade crochet baby owl will make sure this situation won’t occur. It’s so cute and your children will love Continue reading “DIY Crochet Baby Owl” »
Ways to Remove Bathroom Mold
Mold is one particular problem every bathroom owner has to deal with at some point. And cleaning is something we often forget, especially if your bathroom doesn’t have windows to make you see the dirt much clearly. But if do want to keep a clean bathroom, there are ways you can work without much effort, and cost! So, do you want to get rid of the mold in your bathroom with no more than $5? Grab the following materials and read the instructions from below: Continue reading “Ways to Remove Bathroom Mold” »
DIY Outdoor Can Lantern
You were looking for ways to improve the design of your yard? Congrats, you have reached the perfect website for exactly that. People all over the world have found interesting and awesome DIY projects to implement in their homes. This one project for an outdoor candle lantern will definitely give your garden a stylish new look. And you won’t have to spend a lot of money for that. Continue reading “DIY Outdoor Can Lantern” »
DIY Eggshell Mosaics
Ever wanted to be an artist? Now you have the chance! With this DIY project, you are going to put your artistic skills through a test. See exactly how you can make a mosaic and still don’t require years practice in that. We will show you a nice trick you can implement on a mosaic painting made from eggshells. Continue reading “DIY Eggshell Mosaics” »
Folding Kitchen Island
You most probably have browsed the interior design magazines or websites and caught a glimpse of those impressive kitchen islands. We all like one of these islands to improve the interior design of our kitchens, but they all come with a high price. Even a DIY project that tackles this type of kitchen furniture will make you spend a little bit of money on materials, like hours of work and marble (which doesn’t come cheaply). There is one thing you can have in your kitchen Continue reading “Folding Kitchen Island” »