How To Make A PVC Pipe Sand And Water Table
A play table is often a simple and quite useful solution for giving your kids some fun time. The next DIY project is not intricate and children will love it! The PVC pipe sand and water table doesn’t need that much and the assembly itself might prove a fun activity for adults ...

How to Make Buckskin Moccasins
You can now own beautiful footwear made out of sustainable materials. In this class youngsters and families create footwear customized to their own feet by using genuine brain-tanned buckskin and vegetable tanned leather. Learning how to craft a pair of short moccasins has never been ...

How To Make A Disappearing Water Fountain
Having a stream of water near us can have relaxing effects on our personalities. If you want to upgrade your garden decor, then water is the perfect direction to go about. What if you don’t want water to be always present in your outdoor design, but only when you need and want ...

How to make a Pallet Swing
A swing isn’t just the object in which children have a lot of fun. The next DIY project shows that adults can have a relaxing time on swings. The only difference is that the type of swing featured here is one that also makes the garden look good and allows grown-ups to feel great ...

How to make an amazing Grass Day Bed
Spending time outdoors when the sun is shining is so refreshing and can help you recharge your batteries. So have you ever taken a nap outdoors and felt amazing afterwards? If you would like to enjoy a good afternoon sleep in your backyard, but want a cozy and comfortable spot, then ...

How to Make a Beaded Dreamcatcher
Threading your eyebrows might seem like an odd practice, but it isn’t in fact. There are professionals around the world who have mastered this art perfectly and made a carrier out of this technique. But with a few useful tips and tricks, you too can be a pro in eyebrow threading ...

How To Make Endless Hot Water Without Electricity
Did you know that rocket stoves can be used for other things besides cooking? Scott Hunt will show you in this next video how to heat water using a rocket stove. All you need to do is have some chopped wooden pieces and you’re ready to heat water without using electricity. Just ...

How to Make a Swedish Log Candle
Looking for an exciting outdoor party facility? Or a way to entertain your guests and still provide with the appropriate food offer? The next DIY trick we’re about to show you will prove there is a method of having a camp fire, both easy to ignite (and control) as well as lasting ...

How to Make Giant Bubbles
Are you or your kids bored? Technology doesn’t seem to be as exciting as the first time you or they have experienced it, so you want to turn to some outdoor activities? Don’t waste your time with hide and go seek and definitely forget about the bubble guns. Take ...