A Beautiful Swimming Pool Made Out Of 10 Pallets
A few days ago, a man from Germany, Torben Jung, shared on Facebook his summer project. A great pallet swimming pool, which became in short time viral on the worldwide websites. So, are you dreaming about having your own pool at home and spending some relaxing moments in it? Well, ...

Trash Container Converted To Swimming Pool
A beautiful house with a large swimming pool is something everyone dreams of once in a while. If the house is already checked from your list, all you need to do is take care of the swimming pool part. But what if a classical swimming pool is not an option for you for various reasons? ...

18 Cool Makeshift Pools
A temporary swimming pool is a nice option for anyone who has only some limited space available in their backyard or don’t want to invest in a permanent one. Having a classical swimming pool requires a lot of money for maintenance, so a makeshift swimming pool is a more practical ...

Build Your Own Swimming Pool From Bales Of Hay
The magazines and internet have misled you into believing that a swimming pool is something for the rich, or at least for some who have a couple of thousands of dollars to spare on such a project. Three boys prove this thing to be wrong! At least with a shallow depth pool. And with ...

Natural Swimming Pool With Trampoline
If you have enough space in your garden you probably already have a pool too. It can be so nice and refreshing to have a pool as in the summer you can just chill and enjoy the coolness of the water. How about putting a trampoline diving board just like the one in the picture at one ...

Impressive Swimming Pool: Replica of a Stradivarius Violin
Being able to customize certain aspects of your house is crucial to present day architecture. And people are not shy about their desires when it comes to home design. Take this swimming pool that replicates an 18th century violin. The owner didn’t just want an outdoor resemblance ...

PVC Pipes Drying Rack Plans
Drying racks can be really useful and not only for those of you who have a swimming pool at home, it can be used by anyone in the bathroom to dry their towels. The only thing you need is a bit of extra space where you can install your racks. If you think you would really use something ...

Feeling Of Light And Space In A Modern House
We all want that feeling of light and space in our homes, and are committed to spending a small fortune on the design that can bring this desire to life. Amit Apel Design has managed to deliver this, in a way that is both luxurious and natural. Using large windows and a blend of wood ...

DIY Swimming Pool: Cool and Fun
During summertime, when facing highest heats, we’re always in search for a place where to cool down: a lake, a pool or the sea – if we are at the beach. But sometimes we aren’t at the right place and we can’t enjoy any of the options above. Still, there is ...