Tiny houses in Kansas City give homeless veterans a place to call home
A few homeless people can now have a small, but cozy home in Kansas City where veterans who lost their homes have moved into tiny houses.
Recent research conducted by the Department of Housing and Human Development has brought a grim reality to the attention of Americans, namely that ...

The 11 Best Tiny Houses You Can Buy On Amazon
Tiny houses are great and you can find a lot of inspiration on the Internet when it comes to switching to a small house. There are lots of specialized websites which offer consultations in choosing the best tiny house, but have you ever thought about finding your next home on Amazon? ...

Woman Builds Tiny Houses For Birds That Visit Her
Love of birds can take a new meaning. In Portland, Maine, an illustrator took her skills as an artist into a generous direction. Bird-lover Jada Fitch created something that few people would do: decorated little houses for birds. Her tiny friends really appreciate the gesture and ...

Two Tiny Houses Connected With A Central Sun Room & Deck
How tiny is a too tiny when it comes to tiny houses? Well, if you take a look at the next home, then a tiny house was too small for its owners so they decided to build two and connect them. And who can blame them? A tiny house might be enough for a family of two, but when it comes ...

Keva Tiny House: A Smallish Living on Salt Spring Island
When you think about tiny houses, the following superb image won’t probably come to mind. With a simple exterior design, the Keva Tiny Home grabs the attention and easily earns your love. The interior doesn’t disappoint as well. With lots of elements that evoke the closeness ...

A Great Example For a Tiny and Cozy Home
Tiny houses are becoming more and more popular and they even tend to become a trend nowadays, especially in case of young couples who seem to opt for tiny houses instead of the traditional family homes. It is also the case of Erin and Dondi Harner from Colorado, who built themselves ...