10 Life Hacks You Need To Know For Christmas!

There are so many life hacks and useful tricks on the internet, that there is a clever solution for practically everything. Have you ever thought about Christmas hacks and if anything of that kind even exists? Well, we have great news for you: in this article you will learn more about ...

DIY Wire and Napkin Ballerina Craft

If you ever liked the slick and thin statues you’ve seen on display in those luxury shops downtown, but didn’t quite fancy having a horse or any other sort of expensive animal shape on your coffee table, try to make your own. And with little money to spent, only a bit ...

DIY Woven Paper Tree Topper

Decorating your home for Christmas can be overwhelming. All of the commotion around buying just the perfect pieces of decoration as well as making sure you are up to the trends can lead to a stressful decorating process. In this context, it is easily understandable if you forgot to ...

Homemade Raffaello Snowmen Recipe

Winter is a season which gives you plenty of opportunities to be creative, either in decorating, cooking, or gifting. The internet is abundant with Christmas recipes, tutorials and suggestions to keep you at a competitive level with your friends or neighbors. Through all of the plenty ...

How To Build A Root Cellar – Tutorial

Building a root cellar is quite a hard task, but with the appropriate tutorial that guides you, even this project can become easy. The tutorial below will offer you a step by step guide (pictures included) of how to dig your very own root cellar. Besides this, you will also learn ...

Tiny Houses That Can Be Customized And Built To Your Liking

A new couple will always have in their life plans at some point a dream home. More than often, financial realities don’t really add up to what you plan. But a tiny home could be the answer! Called Wind River Bungalow, the 204 square feet you see in the pictures is the result ...

Unique Vegetable Platter with Veggie Christmas Tree

Do you want to have a unique vegetable platter for a holiday party or for Christmas Eve? Here we have another amazing culinary idea. After “Fruit Christmas Tree“, is time learn how to make a Veggie Christmas Tree. It is not difficult to do, because we show you all what ...

Emergency Power Options for Your Home

Situations when electric power goes down happen more often when natural disaster hit your community. But what do you do when the grid is taken out by whatever problem, small or large, and your day to day business is affected? What about communications? Do you have your phone or laptop ...

How To Make A Large Rotisserie Pit BBQ

Hosting a BBQ at your home can be really fun as you can invite your friends or family, enjoy some great food and spend a nice time together. Sure, barbecued food is great, but if you don’t have a suitable rotisserie pit, the whole event can be ruined and your food wasted. If ...
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