How To Open A Can Without A Can Opener
Another off the grid idea from Daily Experiments …Don’t you just hate the day when you want to open a can but don’t have a can opener at your disposal? Using knives or any other sharp tools might prove dangerous and quite frankly might not get the can open in the first place. ...

15 DIY Mason Jar Ideas for Halloween
Prepare to be amazed and creep out at the same time, as these next Halloween decorations look so realistic. But the most important thing about them is that they will do a great job in creating an appropriate atmosphere and look as spooky as possible. Coming up with original Halloween ...

DIY Toddler Pallet Bed
Having a baby means joy and lots of happy moments, but you also need to think about financial matters. As toddlers need lots of things, you should prepare yourself for big investments once your baby is born. One of the most important things you need to think about are baby cribs and ...

DIY Baby In a Pumpkin
Directions: 1. Pick your pumpkin(s). Picking the right pumpkin is mucho important. There are two types of baby-in-pumpkin options, baby’s feet in or baby’s feet out.

How to set up a Complete Off the grid living System using Solar and Wind Turbines – videos
DIY off grid setup.

Tinywood Home on Trailer with Outdoor Hot Tub Built In
Have you ever heard about a tiny house that is also a hot tub? Yes, the project can be made and it already exists, thanks to a small company based in Warwickshire, England. The architects thought about building a home that offer comfort, relaxation and entertainment at the same time, ...

Simple DIY Bench Idea
In need for an outdoor piece of furniture that won’t cost you that much but also have the desired effect on the aesthetics of your backyard? This DIY bench is all you need as an answer to the previously asked questions. Made with just 12 concrete blocks and 4 wood planks, ...

Livable Treehouses
Even though a tree-house might evoke feelings of playtime and adventure, there are people who actually live, day by day, in such a structure, high up into the trees. The project you see in the photos is an actual livable home in the French Alps. Imagine yourself lounging in a warm ...

10 Life Hacks Everyone Must Know
Knowing how to interact with your surrounding environment is the key to having an easy life. Most of the times, people aren’t aware of the possibilities at their disposal when it comes to daily things and situations. The internet is full of tips and tricks on how to live at ...