Cool Upcycling Projects by U&D
If you want to own a unique piece of furniture, here are some ideas. U&D (Utopia Design and KZ desing) is a company from Poland. They design and make furniture, using elements of old worn out machinery and equipment and old wood.

DIY Moss Graffiti
Graffitis are very beautiful and can be considered true pieces of art, but many times they come with damages. Just take a look at the buildings in your city, many of them are freshly painted, but covered in graffities. It is true, that artists don’t always have a special place ...

The Chicken Coop
Anyone with a chicken coop in their backyard knows how hard it is to make it look pretty and in accordance with the rest of the design. The long way from ordinary and regular coops to beautifully decorated ones has been crossed by passionate people with creative ideas, like the one ...

Sweet Smooth Buttercreams
Candies are not something you might first think to make at home, but there are recipes for achieving a tasty result with not plenty. Some powdered sugar, cream cheese and butter will be sufficient for your skillful hands to design into a bowl of delicious candy! Learn how to make ...

Rugby Football Bear Biscuits
We’re sure some sport fans are also keen on homemade food. There is something of a connection between watching a sporting event on TV and making some creative dish in the kitchen. That’s why we thought of a nice treat for the next time you’ll be watching your favorite team ...

Adorable Chili/Elf Baby Shoes – Free Pattern
Clothing for children seems to be a highly profitable business nowadays. Popular designers compete with each other to grab people’s attention and also the contents of their wallets in the process. The DIY solution can always represent a good and affordable alternative. Baby ...

Top 10 Must-Have Foods For An Emergency Stockpile
All of the tutorials and DIY projects on how to make or keep tasty meals safe for more than a few days don’t prepare you for a situation of natural disaster or other kind of emergency. Luckily for you, there are responsible websites out there that do feel like they should give ...

60 Awesome Ways To Reuse Wooden Pallets
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We don’t want to bore you with yet another DIY project that involves using pallets in a creative way. Instead, we suggest you take a look at these 60 ways to improve your home design – all with ...

Recycled Car Wheel BBQ / Fire Pit
The proportions to which the recycling movement has come to influence our lifestyle is truly inspiring. We not only have now the opportunity we hadn’t a decade or two ago to reinvent products we commonly use into something completely different, saving in the process a bit of ...