Various Ways To Reuse An Old Sewing Machine
Redecorating your home entails an effort of creativity and a well thought design ahead of any other planning. You could opt for the easy route and just shop for a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture from any design inclined store. But you don’t have to do that. There are plenty ...

DIY Dandelion Pom Pom
Dandelions are one of the signs of summer and joy, as they are brightly colored. Passing through a dandelion meadow can bring back nice memories and can brighten everyone’s day. Unfortunately it’s kind of hard to plant a whole meadow in your garden, but you can always ...

DIY Crochet Baby Owl
When dealing with toys, uniqueness is important! We all know children are very picky with their toys. Seeing another kid playing with the same type of toy will perhaps condemn that toy to no play-time in the future. This handmade crochet baby owl will make sure this situation won’t ...

Ways to Remove Bathroom Mold
Mold is one particular problem every bathroom owner has to deal with at some point. And cleaning is something we often forget, especially if your bathroom doesn’t have windows to make you see the dirt much clearly. But if do want to keep a clean bathroom, there are ways you ...

DIY Eggshell Mosaics
Ever wanted to be an artist? Now you have the chance! With this DIY project, you are going to put your artistic skills through a test. See exactly how you can make a mosaic and still don’t require years practice in that. We will show you a nice trick you can implement on a mosaic ...

Handcrafted Mason Jar Pendant
The search for improvements to the interior design of your home is a day-to-day challenge. If you were looking for a rustic style to implement, here is a piece that will definitely help your designing efforts. Measuring 23 by 7 ½ by 31 inches, the mason jar lampshade will give the ...

Apple Door Stoppers
Doors are meant for limiting access to certain areas and drawing boundaries between spaces. But sometimes, a room might change its purpose and become more open than let’s say in another time of the day. That’s when door stoppers come in handy! From green soldiers or cartoon animals ...

Minion Cake Pops
If creativity is what you seek in your baking portfolio, than we have just the thing for you. How about you learn how to make an army of awesome and delicious Minions? With all the hype around these animation characters, people who are lucky to get their hands on one of them will ...

Creative Sandals for this Summer
Yes, we can all feel it with each passing day: summer is coming. The Sun shinning on our faces and embracing us with warmth means no more thick and heavy clothes. The warm sunny days at each doorstep also signals a time of leisure, or better said freedom, for your feet. Forget about ...