DIY Made of Old Tires
Do you happen to have a bunch of tires lying around? And you say you don’t have any use for them anymore? Repurposing is an essential component to the DIY person, so if you landed on this webpage, you are keen on recycling old tires in order to improve your garden design. First ...

DIY Strawberry Pallet Planter
Do you have so many strawberry plants but don’t actually have an idea how to use them to improve your garden design? There is a creative way you can do exactly that, and also be in trend and don’t spend much money: a pallet planter. Although it looks like a complex job, it’s ...

How to Draw a Rose
Not anyone of us can draw, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try or that we are not passionate about drawing or painting. If you would like to surprise someone with a unique and personalized gift, then drawing them a flower would be a nice option. This way they will have ...

Magic Tub Cleaning Recipe
Although hard to believe, a homemade shower cleaner will get rid of the mess left behind by lots of baths and body-care products. You might say it does magic. If you want to make this for your own home, take 5 minutes from your spare time and follow these instructions. First, grab ...

Chocolate Strawberry Shots
Be prepared to blow your guests’ minds (and taste buds) away! When they try this deliciously chocolate covered strawberry dessert, in the shape of a shot, they will surely be so impressed they will never leave your event. To pull this cookery trick off, you will need to read carefully ...

How to Make an Egg Carton Flower
Many say nature is hard to copy. But DIY enthusiasts prove this statement to be wrong, with every passing day. Here is a bold example of how to make an impressive bouquet of daffodils out of a simple egg carton. For this, you will need:

How To Transfer A Photo To Wood – Video Tutorial
Many decorations are expensive and not that stylish to being worth your attention. With the tricks featured in this tutorial, you can make your own custom piece of decoration. Read the following and learn how to transfer a photo to wood and actually make a nice `painting` to place ...

DIY Easy Easter Project
Don’t get started on decorating for Easter before you’re done reading this tutorial. Learn in a quick step by step way how to give a unique DIY touch to your home décor and have fun in the meantime. Easter egg made with different strings, which you can use to decorate a vase ...

DIY Cute Easter Bunny Bottles
Spring has come, and we won’t even notice time passing by and it will be Easter time soon. Make your own decorations this Easter, as you will see that there are plenty of great ideas on the internet. This next on is a cute bunny bottle that will cheer up your home and will bring ...