DIY Wood Pencil Holder
As the topic of today is simple and inexpensive DIY projects, we have another great idea for you. Make wooden pencil holders out of things you probably already have at home. You will only need décor paper, glue, a piece of wood and a drill. Take the piece of wood, it would be great ...

DIY Twin Tables
The internet is a place where you can stumble upon a lot of creative ideas. This next one is a great project for those who like objects with a vintage feel. You will need and old table, a circular saw, paint and some angle irons. If you have a balcony or a terrace, you should take ...

DIY Rainbow In A Jar
If you are looking for a fun art project which is also cheap, then we will teach you how to color salt with chalk in order to create amazing art pieces. Usually for these kinds of project, artists tend to use sand, but salt will do it too and it is even better as it can be colored ...

Cozy Mug Sweater
As winter is approaching, we thought we should share this great idea with you. It is a cute and cozy sweater for your mug. It looks nice and cool and it will surely keep your beverage warm this winter. It is great as you can even place it on your to go cup and it will still keep your ...

DIY Jar Painting
We stumbled upon a nice and easy tutorial of a DIY jar. It is a short presentation of how to make yourself a painted jar which can be a great decoration or even a gift. You will need some jars (of different sizes) and glass paint. First of all make sure your jars are clean and they ...

Decorative Ancient Art
This ancient technique of decorative art or interior decoration are still popular today. Most mosaics are made of small, flat, roughly square, pieces of stone or glass of different colors, known as tesserae; but mosaics, especially floor mosaics, may also be made of small rounded ...

DIY Colorful Bottles
Here is a great idea for a Halloween decoration which will also help you recycle, by reusing empty wine or beer bottles. It will merge nicely with the holiday feeling and will also give an autumnal air to your home.

Halloween Ghost Cupcakes
Here is a great a great and spooky recipe for this year’s Halloween: ghost cupcakes. You will need: 18 medium cupcakes, one 16 ounce box of chocolate frosting, cornstarch, one 1-lb, 8-oz package white fondant, 18 sphere lollipops, one tube of black decorating icing.

DIY Chestnut Animations
It’s autumn, the leaves are falling and you can find a lot of chestnuts on the streets. So this autumn we thought about a cute project, that is easy and can be done easily: chestnut people. It’s a perfect project for your kids and it seems handy on a rainy weekend when there is ...