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How to Build Your Own Fire Pit


People that choose to invest in the facilities available for entertainment in their yard is growing with each day. A fire pit may seem like the perfect choice, regardless of the climate. Having a nice evening around the fire with your friends or loved ones will definitely worth the shoveling the base and moving the wall blocks of the pit. It’s not an intricate project, but if you’re determined you too could have a simple 4 foot diameter DIY outdoor fire pit of 12 to 16 inches tall, over the weekend. The materials required are as follows: 68 12″ L by 4″ H Limestone Basic Retaining Wall Block, a few bags of sand, Continue reading “How to Build Your Own Fire Pit” »

Amazing Horseshoes Clock


Are you in search for an original project you can do at home with things you already own? The object you see in picture is a very original DIY project. The owner of several horseshoes welded them together to form a rustic looking clock. The placement of the horseshoes is very interesting and it creates a lovely effect from which you can’t simply look away. If you’re experienced with metal work then a similar project can Continue reading “Amazing Horseshoes Clock” »

16 Year Old Builds Tiny Home To Guarantee Mortgage-Free Future


If you want to live independently and not have to worry about paying the rent each month or the piles of money you have to put aside for the mortgage, the next project we’re about to showcase will surely inspire you. It’s not especially the DIY project itself, but the philosophy behind it, because the tiny home on wheels you can see in the pictures was completed by a 16 year-old boy. Austin Hay did not wish to be constrained by a mortgage or rent. So he did something not that many teens do: raised a house. He started out with a $2,000 trailer from a second-hand Continue reading “16 Year Old Builds Tiny Home To Guarantee Mortgage-Free Future” »

DIY Spinning Plastic Bottle Dog Treat Game



Having a pet means lots of caring and attention from your side and playtime is an essential part of every pet’s life. If your dog is always curios and likes to experiment with new toys, this next one will keep him occupied and entertained for hours. It’s a very intelligent, but easy to build toy that you can make at home. The toy will be a spinning plastic bottle structure and the materials you’ll need are very Continue reading “DIY Spinning Plastic Bottle Dog Treat Game” »

DIY: Draw On A Light Bulb



Who knew that wall art can be achieved without painting a single line on the structure itself? It sounds counter-intuitive, but the truth is you are able to have a great decor or pattern on a wall of your room without drawing a single line on it. And there’s no magic involved! The secret is the lightbulb. Yes, the lightbulb! This project is so simple that even your kids can do it almost from start to finish and all you need is a lightbulb (preferably a white one) Continue reading “DIY: Draw On A Light Bulb” »

DIY Dyed Minion Easter Eggs


Minions, minions everywhere. As the big Minions movie will hit theaters this year, the minion craze seem to be a never ending one. So this year, “dress up” your Easter eggs and give them a minion look. Your kids are going to love this little project. Use egg paint, googly eyes and a small paint brush for the details. Cover the bottom half of the egg with blue paint and the top half with yellow one. This will create the base for your minion. Add the googly eyes, you can use glue for this, but choose a non-toxic one so you can still eat the egg after peeling them. Continue reading “DIY Dyed Minion Easter Eggs” »

DIY Easter Bunny Clothespins


Here’s a lovely and simple Easter project that you can try out together with your kids. Due to its easy steps, it’s a perfect DIY tutorial for children and the outcome will be a very cute painted bunny decoration. You will need: wooden clothespins and acrylic paints. You can use the pattern from the pictures to paint the face of the bunny or simply let your creativity run wild. To make it easier for children, Continue reading “DIY Easter Bunny Clothespins” »

One Couple Creates A Vacation Retreat That Is The Perfect Marriage Of Contemporary And Rustic Design


The perfect vacation retreat meets an inviting log cabin. This is -in short- the story behind this beautiful home from Crandon, Wisconsin. The choice for an eco-friendly building comes almost naturally, taking into account the abundance of trees and blooming of nature all around the property. The project implemented by Pioneer Log Homes of British Columbia had the fortune of having an architect and designer as clients. Scott and Pam Davis imagined and then planned their dream cabin. And the road wasn’t easy, but full of design obstacles, like the slope of the property; more Continue reading “One Couple Creates A Vacation Retreat That Is The Perfect Marriage Of Contemporary And Rustic Design” »

3 in 1: Pom Pom Rug,Wall Hanging and Table Cover


Improving the décor of your room doesn’t necessarily involve big pieces of furniture or a radical change of the interior design. Sometimes, a simple piece of decoration will do the job perfectly. Today we will show you this very same idea working in practice. The DIY Pom-Pom rug is going to make a change for the better in your room and you won’t have to spend your whole month’s wage on it. With just 10 spools of yarn (in various shades of color – blue or whatever you like), you can also achieve a similar fuzzy rug. A rug pad, scissors and ruler are also involved in the process, Continue reading “3 in 1: Pom Pom Rug,Wall Hanging and Table Cover” »

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