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10+ Simple DIYs To Bring The Outdoors Inside


Not all of us have the luxury of owning a luscious garden or a house with a decent size backyard. But the need of green in our lives is not only recognized but also recommended. This next set of DIY projects will make sure you improve your lifestyle: turn your indoor into outdoor. No more bites, hives, or rashes, from the insect filled yard. These few design tricks will help you have an awesome outdoor experience right in your home. You could start by transforming your stools with a Continue reading “10+ Simple DIYs To Bring The Outdoors Inside” »

Declutter Your Home Forever


Everyone who has an issue with cluttering things in their home knows you can’t just pick up and put your stuff away. Besides the fact your psychic isn’t prepared for such a radical change, it would take a lot of time to get used to. But you need a system or some kind of tricks that would help you sort out all of these. Some of the tips you will find in the next collection aren’t brand new findings, but they will prove helpful to some in a way. Like the list of each project and Continue reading “Declutter Your Home Forever” »

Easy Bubble Pizza


Here’s a quick dinner for you and your friends that will be a huge success. When you are tired after a day of work, but friends will come over for dinner the best way is to opt for a quick and easy dish. You don’t need to overcomplicate things, as sometimes the most delicious recipes are the ones that are easy to make. And since a lot of people love pizza, this so called bubble pizza recipe will be the best choice for an evening meal. You will only need one can of biscuits, shredded Continue reading “Easy Bubble Pizza” »

DIY Crochet Bobble Beard – Free Patterns


Crocheting is a relaxing activity and if you are a master in this field, this next idea will seem a piece of cake to you. Brace yourselves, as this can prove to be the most awesome and funny crochet pattern you’ve ever seen. In the winter, keeping you and your family warm is a priority for a crocheting enthusiast, as it is the most perfect time of the year to practice your hobby. With this next pattern you can create funny beanies that include a crocheted beard too, so both your face and head can be kept warm during the winter. You can make these beanies in several colors and sizes, and dress up the Continue reading “DIY Crochet Bobble Beard – Free Patterns” »

How To Fill 100 Water Balloons In ONE MINUTE


Having fun during summer almost surely will include a splashing with water balloons. Easy to come up during parties or barbecues, they could still be something avoidable mainly because of the preparation time involved. People don’t want to work, not even a little before they have fun. Luckily for water balloons, Josh Malone has found a way to make the fun of playing with Continue reading “How To Fill 100 Water Balloons In ONE MINUTE” »

DIY Cement Stepping Stone


If you’re looking for a nice, fun and interesting way to keep track on how your kid grows older, we suggest you try the following DIY project. With a piece of cement stepping stone you will be able to preserve a unique moment in time and share it later with the teenager your little kid has become. It only takes a tray or shape in which to work the cement and make your foot or handprint. Add some personality to the project with the help of colorful rocks. Remember to note the date when the stone was Continue reading “DIY Cement Stepping Stone” »

How to Customize A Root Cellar Storage


With root cellars registering a comeback, due mainly to the growing importance people give to the quality of their vegetables and fruit, especially home-grown ones, you will need a good working system of organizing it. The following DIY storage project will provide the much awaited freshness and accessibility of your produce. In order to turn this idea into reality, you will need some plywood and pine, screws and nails, and a blueprint of the entire cellar. Customizing the room according to your needs Continue reading “How to Customize A Root Cellar Storage” »

How To Remove A Dent From Wood


It’s not uncommon to make dents in your wood furniture. Some might be so upset of this that they will throw away and buy a new piece. That’s not only expensive but also a counterproductive thing to do, because you can salvage the damaged piece of wood. We are happy to show you this next DIY project that will help you remove dents from wood so good you might be tempted to think there’s magic involved. Actually, the trick lies in using an iron on the dent. Continue reading “How To Remove A Dent From Wood” »

DIY Rainbow Tie-Dye Surprise Cake


Surprise your children with a unique and colorful cake. Birthdays can come with a lot of pressure, as you need to prepare everything in time and cook some delicious sweets. But when it comes to a child’s birthday party, the cake plays an essential role as it always needs to be interesting and innovative. So this rainbow cake is exactly what you have been looking for. You will need a lot of patience as it won’t be an easy task but it will be worth it. Continue reading “DIY Rainbow Tie-Dye Surprise Cake” »

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