All the following houses have something in common: they look as if they’ve been taken out of a fairy tale. They could easily fit into any Brothers Grimm story or fantasy movie, but still they are real. All these little cottages located in several parts of the world, have handmade details and are carefully crafted. Continue reading “Most Beautiful Storybook Cottage Homes” »
Cool DIY Idea: Painting out of River Pebbles
We are going to show you today how to make yourself a painting out of river pebbles. It is a cool DIY idea which is pretty simple to be put into practice. You need the following materials: Continue reading “Cool DIY Idea: Painting out of River Pebbles” »
Chocolate Cupcakes With a Surprise Strawberry Center
Here’s a delicious desert for the weekend inspired by the LittleMomonthePrairie : chocolate cupcakes with a surprise strawberry center. They are very easy to be made, you don’t need to have any special cooking skills, and they are ready in 20 minutes. Continue reading “Chocolate Cupcakes With a Surprise Strawberry Center” »
How To Make A Rose From Orange Peel – DIY Orange Rose
I found a video tutorial about how to make roses from orange peels. It’s easy, all you need is an orange and a knife. Cut the orange peel carefully and then roll it into a flower. By the way, you can decorate your food with fresh peel roses, or let them dry for few days and decorate your apartment. Continue reading “How To Make A Rose From Orange Peel – DIY Orange Rose” »
Collapsible Camp Washing Station
I love the idea of outdoor kitchen, we have recently presented you a series of such projects. What we have this time is a homemade solution for camping .. a collapsible camp washing station. It is easy to pack and carry it anywhere you want to spend a few days off the grid. This is not a tutorial but it has some good ideas that you can expand on. Continue reading “Collapsible Camp Washing Station” »
DIY Colorful Glass Candles
In this next DIY project we are going to show you how to make some colorful glass candles, which are extremely eye catching and cute. So here is what you will need for this project: Continue reading “DIY Colorful Glass Candles” »
Old Windows as Pictures Frames
Normally, old windows are stored in garages, lofts or thrown away. I’ll now present you a great way to show off your family in these old windows. Set them against the wall in different rooms and attach pictures on the back of the glass. Continue reading “Old Windows as Pictures Frames” »
How To Build A Herb Spiral
These days, I saw that many people who seemed to be interested in herb spirals, so, if done properly, they need little maintenance and can keep the herbs all around the year. Basically, the idea behind them is to get in a confined area as many different herbs as possible. The spiral and the subsequent height differences mean that you create a number of different environmental conditions which wouldn’t normally Continue reading “How To Build A Herb Spiral” »
Colorful Backyard Decorating Ideas With Umbrellas And Flowers
This next idea for the backyard that we found on the internet is really great and simple. We are sure that everyone of you has an umbrella at home which is a bit broken or simply just old. So why throw it away? Here is a great idea of what you can make out of it and how can you make your garden look much nicer. You can just take the umbrella, turn it upside down and stick it into the ground. Then just place a flower pot into it, Continue reading “Colorful Backyard Decorating Ideas With Umbrellas And Flowers” »