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DIY Eco Bath Rug [video]


It is quite easy to do: simply cut the size you want your rug be and cut flaps into strips of the same size roughly. This is one of those arts that can be done even by your kids (when it comes to tying, not cutting!). Check out Michelle Kaufmann’s ‘s video – she explains and shows step-by-step the whole process, so Continue reading “DIY Eco Bath Rug ” »

Delicious Pizza Roses


We came up again with a creative recipe like Rose Rolls from Fauzia M. Afif because are really good. These creative pizza roses are perfect for when you have guests. We guarantee that they will remain pleasantly surprised, as they are so delicious especially when warm!

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The Luxury Miribanda House in Sao Paulo, Brazil


This next luxurious home is called the Mirindiba House and it was desisgned by Marcio Kogan and his team of talented architects. Besides the amazing concept behind the house, its design also incorporates highly functional elements. The materials used in the interior decoration are also combined greatly, Continue reading “The Luxury Miribanda House in Sao Paulo, Brazil” »

DIY Project: Homemade Plastic Cup Lamp


Lights are an important feature for most of the rooms in the house. If you liked to create your very own lamps and lampshades, you would find a huge resource of creative ideas on this page. Continue reading “DIY Project: Homemade Plastic Cup Lamp” »

Marbles Candle Holder


What you need are some Cats Eyes Glass Marble (buy here), a CD and instant adhesive (buy here). The result is very beautiful and impressive because the candle/the bulb lights glow(s) through the balls!

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Ingenious Storage Spaces For a Small Home


When you live in an apartment, the lack of storage space becomes a crucial issue. Nobody likes to live cramped, feel suffocated by the things around them and not to be able to relax in their own home. The good news is that there are solutions in any situation, not matter how critical it may seem at the beginning. Thus, where we have no storage space, we make a storage space. How? Here are some ideas Continue reading “Ingenious Storage Spaces For a Small Home” »

Easy DIY Cat Tent


I found a cute idea for cat lovers: how to make a cat tent for your sweet kitty. All you need is a piece of cardboard, a canvas with a pattern you like (or you can ask the cat if she/he likes it 😀 ) and a soft material, a sponge or cotton. After you have all these things you can make a beautiful and original tent for your cat. Continue reading “Easy DIY Cat Tent” »

A Great Example For a Tiny and Cozy Home


Tiny houses are becoming more and more popular and they even tend to become a trend nowadays, especially in case of young couples who seem to opt for tiny houses instead of the traditional family homes. It is also the case of Erin and Dondi Harner from Colorado, who built themselves a 181 square foot home on wheels. Continue reading “A Great Example For a Tiny and Cozy Home” »

Doll Houses From Plastic Containers


The next idea is a great DIY project in which you can reuse old packaging and create something cute together with your kids. It is great, as it is a project which is fun and creative at the same time. Here is what you’ll need for the project: 3 packs of cleaning supplies which you will clean, cleaned Stylus, CD markers, tissues, glue and adhesives. Continue reading “Doll Houses From Plastic Containers” »

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