Scientists Create ‘Artificial Leaf’ That Sucks CO2 Out of Air and Produces Clean Energy
Finding solutions for cleaning our air quickly and cost-effectively way has puzzled scientists for decades. How could we eliminate CO2 from the air and produce clean energy that can be then re-used?
Plants and trees seem to be essential in finding the answer to this problem as they ...

Do-It-Yourself: Detail Your Cars Upholstery!
Cleaning your car can be a messy job, especially if you have kids who tend to spill all sorts of stuff on the backseats. So if you want a stain-free car and also stay inside your budget, then you should try this homemade cleaning product that will work its magic on your car seats. ...

How To Clean A Smooth Stovetop The Frugal Way
The holidays are over so you better be prepared (physically and mentally) for the cleaning process than should begin afterward. Making sure your kitchen and all appliances are once again shinny clean will take time. Thus, it’s advised you have some tricks up your sleeve in order ...

How To Easily Clean (Almost) Anything And Everything
Sometimes our stuff tend to get so dirty that it seems there is no possible way of cleaning them and the only solution is throwing them out in the garbage. When having a stain that gives you some headaches and you feel like you tried almost everything, don’t give up on them, ...

11 Useful Things You Can Do With A Lint Roller
A lint roller may seem like an ordinary, almost banal tool for use around the home. Be prepared to be amazed! Because we will show you some clever things you can do with this device besides rolling lint. Actually, here are 11 ideas for repurposing the little tool you usually handle ...

The Magic Way To Clean The BBQ
Even though real magic (if that’s even a logical term at all) wasn’t used in the following DIY project, the closest thing to the result is magic. So, this hot summer is set out to be one of many barbecues and grill. Yeeeah, great! But what about cleaning the BBQ grills ...

Ways to Remove Bathroom Mold
Mold is one particular problem every bathroom owner has to deal with at some point. And cleaning is something we often forget, especially if your bathroom doesn’t have windows to make you see the dirt much clearly. But if do want to keep a clean bathroom, there are ways you ...

14 Things You Can Clean With Lemon
When life gives you something to clean, don’t frown, use lemons! Beside the fact they leave a fresh smell, it’s the best natural replacement for industrial cleaners and disinfectants. Often thought of as nature’s Kleenex, lemons are used on and with a variety of things, from ...

How To Clean Your Kitchen Sink
We are sure you tried to clean your kitchen sink several times before, but it just isn’t the same as it was when you bought it. Today we are going to show you an efficient ways of cleaning your kitchen sink and getting rid of the germs by sanitizing it. Follow these simple steps ...