DIY Pull-Up Paper Window Shade
If playing with paper has been a habit of yours since you were a child, then this next DIY project will surely make you happy. And will also bring a brand new touch to the interior design of your living or kitchen. The pull-up paper window shade we suggest you make is a nice piece ...

DIY Outdoor Pallet Sofa
Making outdoor furniture is a thing almost anybody can do without much craftsmanship and previous preparation. All you need at first is the determination to improve your yard design with a DIY piece of furniture. If you happen to get your hands on a pallet or more, than you’ve ...

DIY Skateboard Swing
Are you looking for new creative ideas ? Here’s a cute achievable craft project in just 20 minutes. The Skateboard Swing is good solution for this summer. First, grab your old skateboard or ask around the playground for one kids recently broke its wheels. You will use it to ...

DIY Garden Bench With An Old Tailgate
If you’re a car enthusiast, than you should probably take a look at this next DIY project. Built from reclaimed materials, the vintage car bench is something you should have in your yard in order to impress your car friends. Also, it can be helpful if you haven’t got a ...

Build Your Own Swimming Pool From Bales Of Hay
The magazines and internet have misled you into believing that a swimming pool is something for the rich, or at least for some who have a couple of thousands of dollars to spare on such a project. Three boys prove this thing to be wrong! At least with a shallow depth pool. And with ...

DIY Colored Pencil Ring
When you think about making a unique piece of accessory for a friend or a loved one, remember this simple photo tutorial. Choose the creative way and make your very own colored pencil ring. With as little as a pack of colored pencils and some glue as main materials, you will succeed ...

DIY Pot-In-Pot Refrigerator
When you hear even ancient people knew better than you how to keep their stuff cold during the summer, without having the luxury of modern appliances, you will feel so envious! If you want this summer to be a lot more friendly with the environment, than you can save up on electricity ...

DIY Project: How To Turn A Coffee Table Into An Ottoman
Many people think style comes at a price, but actually, it comes with creativity. Making your apartment look more like a palatial residence can take as little as one piece of furniture. And to save a lot on the costs involved around this, why not use something already present in your ...

Learn About Tomatoes And Their Need For Water
We will show a simple trick and how easy it is to grow fast big tomato plants, while your competition might still be handling the basics. Read the instructions carefully and you too could achieve the same result. Here is the materials you will need in this useful DIY project: