DIY Sock Bunny
This next tutorial is going to show you how to sew cute little rabbits out of socks, for your children to play with. It is a nice and funny DIY project and you will learn to make a pretty bunny which can also be a great gift idea. You’ll need to prepare the following materials:

DIY Project: Homemade Plastic Cup Lamp
Lights are an important feature for most of the rooms in the house. If you liked to create your very own lamps and lampshades, you would find a huge resource of creative ideas on this page.

Doll Houses From Plastic Containers
The next idea is a great DIY project in which you can reuse old packaging and create something cute together with your kids. It is great, as it is a project which is fun and creative at the same time. Here is what you’ll need for the project: 3 packs of cleaning supplies which ...

DIY Project: Woven Coasters
As you already know, we just love DIY projects, and today we found a really great one: woven coasters. It is quite easy to make them and you’ll see that once you are done with the first one, the rest are becoming simpler and simpler. For this project you will need: string, yarn, ...

DIY Project: Wall Mounted Folding Table
We are going to show how easy it is to create a handmade folding table which can be mounted on a wall. Below you’ll see the pictures with the dimensions of the table and now you can get started with purchasing the materials you’ll need for your DIY project. You will need ...

How To Make a Great Chair From Old Tires
Here’s another great DIY project which also involves recycling. We are going to show you step by step how to make yourself a great chair from old tires. What you’ll need are two used tires, fabric for covering them (it can have any pattern that you like), some wood palettes, ...

Turn a Cupboard Door into Art Desk
Today we are going to show you how to turn a cupboard door into a nice and artsy desk. You can make one of these to your kids, as we are sure that they are going to love it. So here are the steps you’ll have to follow to make your one of your own.

DIY Project: How to Crochet Baby Sandals [video]
This DIY project is both fun and cute and we can show you step by step how to crochet this sweet baby sandals. So we will walk you through the art of crocheting sandals, which your baby will just love to wear. You will need: soft yarn in 2 colors, soft wool for trim, buttons, G6- ...

DIY Project: Notebook Holder
Everyone knows that DIY project is very popular these days. Why? Because we try to show you the best ideas in the field of useful and pleasant. Here it is another great idea: a DIY notebook holder. We checked out some notebook holders in the shops and none of them seemed well-made ...