Learn How to Build a Raised Bed with Benches
If you want to make gardening an easier activity, you should seriously consider building a raised bed in your garden. Raised beds can have so many variations, but if you want one that is comfortable too, a raised bed with benches is the best option. This type of structure is higher ...

Jellyfish Barge: 750 sq ft Floating Agricultural Greenhouse
Thinking about having your own greenhouse but not sure about how to be practical, efficient and environmentally friendly? If you want to check the previous 3 points and at the same time use simple materials and low-cost technology in an innovative approach to growing plants, than ...

DIY Tea Pot Fountain
A real interesting fountain is something you can use for enhancing the aesthetics of your garden as well as impressing every guest that crosses your doorstep. If you think you can achieve such a beautiful piece of outdoor decoration, here is a short tutorial by Julee S (Hometalk), ...

DIY Raised Planter Stand
If you have enough free space in your garden it would be a pity to waste it. The ideal way to use that space is to plant something, but that would be a lot of work and maybe even some future troubles. So in order to avoid that, you can make a raised planter that will help you organize ...

Art of Gardening: Sleeping Bird Topiary
For some, their gardens are more important than the house itself. Usually, these nature-loving people go to much extent in order to transform their outdoors into a habitable and welcoming environment. In this context, topiary is a perfect medium to achieve that result. The ...

Beautiful Grass Sculptures
A wonderful way you could improve the design of a garden is through grass sculptures. Not surprisingly, this method of landscaping is highly sought by municipalities in order to draw attention to public areas. Although this is a job for professsional artists, you could try and make ...

How To Grow Cucamelons
This may be the first time you hear about cucamelons, but don’t be ashamed as they are not widely known. So to elucidate the mystery, cucamelons are small fruits, that resemble watermelons, but when you taste them they will remind you of cucumbers and maybe lime. If you want ...

DIY Bike Rim Trellis
There are so many ways you could help the environment and also help yourself in the process. Today, we suggest you try and make a rim trellis for your garden with a couple of bike rims which you grab from a recycled bike. If you wonder what a garden trellis is, will describe it as ...

Hollowed Log Planter
If you ever felt your home needs an improvement, an inspiring touch of nature, but you didn’t have the necessary time and space to grow a full-size garden, there is an answer to your desire. Decorating lobbies and hall entrances with rustic art doesn’t really fill the gap for ...