16′ Tiny House On Wheels With Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs)
Canadian designers have come up with a perfect build of a tiny home which resists optimal in cold weather. The people from Leaf House Small Space Design & Build managed to blend an innovative approach to the structure of a 97 square feet house on wheels. Version.3 as it is called ...

Tour of an Off Grid Solar Cabin
With a lot of people not affording financially a large house or apartment like they used to in the 1990s and which you commonly see paraded provocatively on TV shows or movies, the tiny home option has become increasingly attractive. An off the grid tiny house is even more sought ...

A Small White House In The Woods of Sweden
The quality and beauty of Swedish design is well-known, but still each and every design from that country continues to amaze us. This 613 square feet tiny house can be found in the Swedish woods and it is truly amazing. The house has a single floor plan and a very clean and neat style. ...

550 Sq. Ft. Prefab Timber Cabin
Are you looking for a tiny cabin that doesn’t require a lot of time and effort to be ready? The people from FabCab already thought about a nice option for you. The tiny house is called TimberCab 550 and it is a prefab timber cabin with a size of 550 sq ft, just like its name ...

Tiny House Camper
Here’s an example of how to build a tiny house on wheels. This project was built using as much recycled material as possible.

Tiny Wooden House
This tiny wooden house looks dreamy! For those of you, who wish to live a more sustainable life and go far away from the rush of the city, such a home would be a nice alternative. The structure of the house is simple to build and it won’t need a big investment. The simple wooden ...

Tiny Houses That Can Be Customized And Built To Your Liking
A new couple will always have in their life plans at some point a dream home. More than often, financial realities don’t really add up to what you plan. But a tiny home could be the answer! Called Wind River Bungalow, the 204 square feet you see in the pictures is the result ...

Small-Space Bungalow on Wheels
Are you in search of an out of the ordinary mobile home to spend your trips in? The 170 square feet craftsman bungalow tiny house on wheels will blow your mind! Totally different from this sort of homes, the architectural marvel shown in the pictures is replicating the lifestyle in ...

Just Finished Tiny House on Wheels
The fresh new tiny house you can see in the photos is not only a perfect alternative to an expensive residence but also a natural choice if you’re always on the road. For about $22000 you can have a completely livable home. At 156 square feet, the Louisiana based mobile home ...