DIY Sock Bunny

This next tutorial is going to show you how to sew cute little rabbits out of socks, for your children to play with. It is a nice and funny DIY project and you will learn to make a pretty bunny which can also be a great gift idea. You’ll need to prepare the following materials: 

Beautiful Rug From Old T-Shirts

In this tutorial, you can learn how to make a really cool rug, like the one pictured, from your old T-shirts! This rug costs no money because you can reuse some old T-shirts that you don’t use anymore . This project is a great way to put all of those colorful junior high track/soccer/rugby/quidditch ...

DIY: Unique Lamp by Using Soda Can Tabs

Making an impressive lamp shade is surely a unique task. Patience as well as a keen eye for details is definitely in the job description requirements for an ideal candidate. If you think you’re up to the challenge, we will assist you through the entire process. Read the full ...

Homemade Light Bulb Penguin

We have here a video tutorial of how to make a Christmas decoration from light bulbs. You can draw anything you like on a bulb, but here you can watch how to draw a penguin. Use acrylic paint or watercolor for painting… If you like to have this Christmas Ornament as a memory, ...

DIY Eco Bath Rug [video]

It is quite easy to do: simply cut the size you want your rug be and cut flaps into strips of the same size roughly. This is one of those arts that can be done even by your kids (when it comes to tying, not cutting!). Check out Michelle Kaufmann’s ‘s video – she ...

DIY Project: Homemade Plastic Cup Lamp

Lights are an important feature for most of the rooms in the house. If you liked to create your very own lamps and lampshades, you would find a huge resource of creative ideas on this page.

Marbles Candle Holder

What you need are some Cats Eyes Glass Marble (buy here), a CD and instant adhesive (buy here). The result is very beautiful and impressive because the candle/the bulb lights glow(s) through the balls!

Doll Houses From Plastic Containers

The next idea is a great DIY project in which you can reuse old packaging and create something cute together with your kids. It is great, as it is a project which is fun and creative at the same time. Here is what you’ll need for the project: 3 packs of cleaning supplies which ...

DIY Project: Woven Coasters

As you already know, we just love DIY projects, and today we found a really great one: woven coasters. It is quite easy to make them and you’ll see that once you are done with the first one, the rest are becoming simpler and simpler. For this project you will need: string, yarn, ...
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