Edible Cowboy Hats
Cowboy Hats: Chocolate dipped Pringles potato chips + Rolo + Red Licorice . . . on red/white checked napkin.

90-Year-Old Grandma Turns Small Village into Her Art Gallery by Hand-Painting Flowers on Its Houses
There’s a small village in the Czech Republic with beautiful artwork on the walls of traditional houses and all thanks to the 90-year-old Anežka (Agnes) Kašpárková. The story starts in Poland, in Zalipie which is just 90 minutes away from Krakow, and where Agnes started to decorate ...

Man Built A $150 ‘Tiny Home’ He Can Tow With His Bike
The concept of a tiny house surely sounds like something familiar, but just wait until you see this home and the word “tiny” will be an entirely new concept. Paul Elkin managed to build one of the smallest homes on wheels, by attaching a house to his bike. Of course, it is not ...

A Current Japanese Trend Is Polishing Ordinary Aluminum Foil Balls Into Shiny Orbs
Who knew aluminum foil can be so much fun when offered extra attention? There is a Japanese trend in which people have started rolling balls out of aluminum and polishing them until they become smooth and shiny.
The before and after pictures of the aluminum foil boils have taken the ...

Seashell Dog Ornaments
Do you already have all the paint, brushes, glitter, wiggly eyes, string, bells & whistles to make this seashell bear ornament all your own? Great! Then, this fully and securely assembled, primed, and ready-to-paint ornament is just for you! The ornament is made from

Land Artist Leaves Striking Stone Arrangements Along the Coast
Land art is among the most underrated artistic movements, as the artists from this field have been ignored for a long time in favor of more mainstream art. Masterminds such as Jon Foreman create amazing pieces of land art and find comfort in giving natural elements a new purpose. ...

13-Year-Old Artist Creates Incredible Animal Drawings From Memory
Some child prodigies leave you breathless when you see their talent. The Serbian Dusan Krtolica is such an example, as he has been drawing since he was 2 years old and his talent only grew more impressive over the years. Now, at 17 years old he emerged into a true artist and his intricate ...

Find the Best Firewood for You: Firewood Comparison Chart
Firewood from different species or types of trees varies widely in heat content, burning characteristics, and overall quality.
BTUs, or British Thermal Units, measure the heat of combustion. Even among the same species, different chunks of firewood are going to burn hotter than others, ...

Family Homesteading: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Sufficiency for the Whole Family
Whether you and your family are planning to take the big plunge and live off the grid, or you just want to make the best use of your backyard, here is practical advice and hands-on projects for the self-sufficient family that wants to go back to basics.