How To Make Colorful Glowing Mason Jar Lights
If you want to bring a bit of magic into your home, then you can make some DIY glow in the dark mason jars. These beautiful jars are also called “fairy jars” as they resemble the glow of these small magical beings. They are very easy to make and will transform your room, ...

DIY Rope Tire Ottoman
Repurposing items is a common practice in the DIY community. Making beautiful decorations with this method is something both practical and environmentally-friendly. In this context, a tire seems like a material which can easily come in handy. Turning it into an aesthetically pleasing ...

A Sustainable Treehouse Community in the South Pacific Region of Costa Rica
Would you like a dreamy tree-house for you to spend the hot summer nights in? The Finca Bellavista community will offer the space for such an opportunity. Located in the mountainous south Pacific coastal region of Costa Rica, the rustic and rural landscape is kwon for the diversity ...

DIY Tree Stump Drawers
If you want to impress with your garden design, than you definitely must choose this DIY project. Most of the times, people think it’s about how you grow your plants or how you take care of your lawn, but a beautiful garden design also has some décor elements you could improve ...

DIY Crochet Heart Shaped Storage Baskets
I found these days on Pinterst a very cute diy project that I want to share with you. There are a whole lot of little boxes and gadgets companies market out there, but they seem to lack a touch of personality. That’s why a DIY version of a basket is always an option. And making ...

Protect Your Stuff On The Beach With The Beach Vault
Outdoor activities will become increasingly popular during the summer months, so you better be prepared for that. If the beach is a viable option for your spare time, you might want to take a look over this exciting device. The Beach Vault was designed to properly store a valuable ...

DIY Plastic Bottle Hanging Vase Tutorial
Making your garden look great only takes a little bit of creativity. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on this, opt for the DIY version of things. Luckily for you, in this tutorial, we will teach you how to make some pretty DIY hanging plastic vases out of ordinary bottles. ...

How To Make A Treasure Chest Cooler
Don’t know how to improve your road trip? Here is a nice idea we think you might like: transform your ordinary cooler into a DIY treasure chest cooler! This particular type of cooler we are about to show you is perfect for trips to the beach, where a pirate theme is always suitable. ...

DIY Cute Owl Cake
When you first see those cute animal or cartoon character shaped cakes, you might think a sculptor or another great artist might have been involved in the baking process. The truth behind works of gastronomical art like these is a good use of geometrical spacing and shaping. We will ...