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How To Remake Broken Crayons Into New Ones


If you remember these things from your childhood, than you might have had a lot of fun with them. When the most important objective for the day was drawing that cartoon character in the most accurate way possible, you couldn’t have noticed that crayons – such an important tool in most of our coloring adventures – were slowly breaking away. Continue reading “How To Remake Broken Crayons Into New Ones” »

How to Build a Simple Chicken Coop


The times when raising animals was something you could easily do without almost any means whatsoever (they would eat and sleep around the yard), modern times have come with a lot of food-safety provisions which are, however, the base for a long and healthy living. You could take the risk, but when a convenient DIY Continue reading “How to Build a Simple Chicken Coop” »

DIY Colored Pencil Ring


When you think about making a unique piece of accessory for a friend or a loved one, remember this simple photo tutorial. Choose the creative way and make your very own colored pencil ring. With as little as a pack of colored pencils and some glue as main materials, you will succeed in making a beautiful DIY project. Although the whole manufacturing process needs a lathe to be used, the final result will impress the owner of such a unique accessory. Read the instructions provided Continue reading “DIY Colored Pencil Ring” »

Homemade Honey-Based Ketchup


When going out and want to catch a bite, in the burger joint, the pizza place, or a regular fast food restaurant, it might have crossed your mind: how come they manage to make that ketchup so delicious? Now you can achieve the same tasty result on your own. The special ingredient is honey! Yes, that’s right, mixing honey with tomatoes paste, vinegar, salt, water, garlic and onion powder will result in a ketchup like the one you lick your fingers after eating a pizza or some chicken wings. Just combine them according to the instructions, over the cooker for 20 minutes and store it in a covered container. Continue reading “Homemade Honey-Based Ketchup” »

Learn How to Print Pictures on Wood


Plain wooden planks are commonly underrated as a material for decorating. But a creative addition to such a plank will definitely make it a beautiful piece with which you can improve the interior design of your home. Just use this simple DIY method of transferring a picture onto wood. The fun fact to remember about this project is that you will Continue reading “Learn How to Print Pictures on Wood” »

How To Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes In a Barrel


Most of you commonly don’t think a garden cannot be environmentally friendly, because it is out in the environment, but the truth is there are gardeners who use a lot of chemicals and techniques that do more harm than good to the environment. If you ever consider growing a vegetable garden bear in mind to always have a sustainable approach towards this sort of gardening. One such method, when planting potatoes, is with the help of a barrel. Continue reading “How To Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes In a Barrel” »

DIY Pot-In-Pot Refrigerator


When you hear even ancient people knew better than you how to keep their stuff cold during the summer, without having the luxury of modern appliances, you will feel so envious! If you want this summer to be a lot more friendly with the environment, than you can save up on electricity usage with a simple outdoor trick. The science behind it is pretty rudimentary and it dates back 5000 years. The DIY project involves a couple of earthenware pots, one slightly bigger than the other. Continue reading “DIY Pot-In-Pot Refrigerator” »

DIY Flower Power Valance Tutorial


Crocheting may seem complicated, but once you have a pattern and an explanation for each step, the whole thing seems a lot easier. One tip that can help you when crocheting is to gather with your friends and try different patterns together. This way each one of you can contribute with ideas and helpful observations and you will be able to figure out new pattern much easier. So next time, you feel like doing a crochet project, try this flower pattern to create a cute flower valance for your windows. Continue reading “DIY Flower Power Valance Tutorial” »

Use an Old Wheelbarrow as a Planter


The décor of your garden is influenced by many things. You see gardening projects on the internet focused on building structures, like pergolas, gazebos or fountains, but the secret behind a beautiful garden can lay in reusing outdoor tools and instruments. The wheelbarrow will make a perfect planter and an important addition to a rustic design. All the work you have to do in this DIY adventure is maybe getting rid of the rust off the wheelbarrow, give it a paint job and fill it with plants or flowers. Continue reading “Use an Old Wheelbarrow as a Planter” »

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