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20 Awesome Cupcake Ideas


Cupcakes are great, but without the perfect decoration they are just simple cakes that can pass unnoticed. The possibilities of decorating a cupcake are practically infinite, that’s why you can choose between a wide variety of options or improvise and create your own style. You can decorate the cupcakes as if they were other food, such as hamburgers. Choose the appropriate food coloring and add it to the frosting, then simply decorate the cupcakes. If you are preparing for a birthday party for, Continue reading “20 Awesome Cupcake Ideas” »

DIY Doll Bunk Beds


If you’re not that experienced with wooden DIY projects, but still want to make a nice surprise for a kid girl, than you’ve reached the perfect place for that. Because this DIY project of a bunk bed for an 18-inch tall American girl doll is something you can easily do, even if you didn’t work with wood. Similarly in structure with a kids’ table, this bunk bed can be built from a few plywood boards and some 1by2s. The building process is quite simple, because you won’t have to work with big pieces of wood. Continue reading “DIY Doll Bunk Beds” »

DIY Boat Bed


Does your kid like to sail? Or maybe he or she likes those stories with pirates or adventures on the sea? Now you can turn his fantasies into a real thing. Transforming the bedroom into a vessel for imagination is a gift that every parent should consider for their toddlers. So don’t just expect your children to magically become creative persons, but encourage them with any means. A simple method is improving the interior design of their room. Continue reading “DIY Boat Bed” »

DIY Garden Bench With An Old Tailgate


If you’re a car enthusiast, than you should probably take a look at this next DIY project. Built from reclaimed materials, the vintage car bench is something you should have in your yard in order to impress your car friends. Also, it can be helpful if you haven’t got a phobia for tetanus or if you don’t mind bits of rust on your clothes. The DIY work is not that difficult. Continue reading “DIY Garden Bench With An Old Tailgate” »

Recycle An Old Barn Door Into A Beautiful Sliding Door


Give a rustic touch to your interior design with a simple old barn door. The project we suggest you to implement is not an ordinary repurposing, but a definite improvement. Save an old barn door and turn it into a stylish sliding door for your home. This is a simple DIY adventure which will bring the room you finally install the door into a unique touch. Opting for a sliding door instead of a regular one is a move with which you will impress guests and friends alike. Also, it will save you a bit of space in the room, leaving room for placing a beautiful piece of decoration, like a statue or a vase. Read the instructions on how to transform an old barn door into a beautiful sliding door in just a few steps. Make sure you improve the look of your home with a DIY solution that will bring a rustic touch like the one featured here. Good luck!

Turn An Old Cabinet Into A Scrapbooking Armoire


If you’re a DIY enthusiast, sooner or later you will have to make a special place for all of your handmade materials. But what option you have at disposal for storing the plenty of tools and materials you use for all of your handmade projects. Today we will show you how to turn an old cabinet into a scrapbooking armoire. And for achieving the same result Continue reading “Turn An Old Cabinet Into A Scrapbooking Armoire” »

DIY Bookcase Renovation


Did you think your old furniture was good to throw away? Not anymore with this useful DIY renovation project. Turning a plain and dull bookcase into a modern one will prove a whole lot simpler than you might originally think. The work won’t be significantly much and the final design will definitely improve the overall decor of the room you place it in. Continue reading “DIY Bookcase Renovation” »

Build Your Own Swimming Pool From Bales Of Hay


The magazines and internet have misled you into believing that a swimming pool is something for the rich, or at least for some who have a couple of thousands of dollars to spare on such a project. Three boys prove this thing to be wrong! At least with a shallow depth pool. And with the summer slowly building up its hot days to stay for the next few months, you might be tempted to choose their cheap and simple solution to make your own swimming pool. The DIY project only involves using bales of hay, plastic sheets, some rope and (obviously) water. After you’ve chosen the right spot for the hay, Continue reading “Build Your Own Swimming Pool From Bales Of Hay” »

Hello Kitty Cookie Recipe


If you want to surprise your kids with a cute desert, try these next Hello Kitty cookies. Hello Kitty is a phenomenon that spread all over the world within a short period and is very popular among kids and not only. These cookies look so sweet and they taste that way too, so your kids can take them to lunch at school or eat them with a nice cup of cocoa. Making them is really easy, as you only need a Hello Kitty shaped cookie cutter and after that the decorations is a piece of cake. Continue reading “Hello Kitty Cookie Recipe” »

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