Solar-Powered Refrigeration Trucks Will Cut Pollution From Idling Diesel Engines
Refrigerator trucks are an important piece of our capitalist economic systems, as without them a lot of products would be damaged and wasted.
But like everything that runs on diesel engines,

Scientists created the world’s whitest paint. It could eliminate the need for air conditioning.
This lab-made paint has been declared the world’s whitest paint and it was created with the intention of reflecting sunlight away from buildings.
The paint was made at Purdue University and has an efficiency of 98.1% in reflecting sunrays which would help reduce the need for air ...

A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?
Bill Gates from Microsoft is well-known for backing and investing in state-of-the-art technologies, and his newest investment is in sun-dimming technology.
The name behind the initiative is the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) and is led by scientists from ...

People Are Making Ghosts Out of Chicken Wire For Halloween and They All Look So Real
Halloween is just around the corner, and even though the pandemics might prevent people from trick or treating this year, it does not mean that decorating your house needs to be postponed too. If you want to scare your neighbors or simply bring a bit of the Halloween spirit in your ...

Once-In-A-Lifetime Photo Captures a Caiman Wearing a Crown of Butterflies in the Amazon
The Amazon is home to a lot of animals, and wildlife photographers love to travel there to take pictures of the jungle and its inhabitants.
Mark Cowan traveled there in 2016 and studied the lives of reptiles and amphibians from the Amazon together with the Herpetology Division of ...

Archeologists Discover a Perfectly Preserved 4,000-Year-Old Tomb in Egypt
Egypt is full of hidden treasures and archaeologists have yet again uncovered an ancient tomb. It is a colorful tomb in Saqqara, the place of some of the oldest pyramids. The tomb is in an excellent state, and its paintings look so fresh and clean, even though they were made 4,000 ...

Illustrator Documents the Things She Discovers During Her Outdoor Adventures
Nature can offer so many, from resources to peace of mind and even artistic inspiration, and illustrator Jo Brown agrees with the latter. She is a UK-based artist who documents her outdoor explorations in the colorful Nature Journals collection.
Brown fills notebooks with stunning ...

Compassionate Crafter Makes Look-Alike Dolls for Children With Physical Differences
Amy Jandrisevits is an amazing crafter who is doing great things for children with disabilities, as she designed a line of toys that help them feel represented.
She was previously a social worker, who worked with people from different backgrounds and understands social issues and ...

Artist Turns Discarded Silverware and Scrap Metal Into Striking Animal Sculptures
They say that one’s trash is someone else’s treasure, and Matt Wilson is here to prove this with his works. He is a sculptor who creates beautifully unique pieces out of scrap metal and silverware and loves to upcycle old items.
Wilson is based in Carolina and goes by the pseudonym ...