How To Crochet A Peacock Motif – Free Pattern

Peacocks are beautiful and their stunning feathers are simply impressive! If you like to cuddle and stay warm on cold evenings, this next project should be on your to do list. It is a crochet blanket with a peacock feather motif that will look great in your room. Grab your crochet ...

Vintage Handmade Crochet Tablecloth

Crochet table cloths are a beautiful and unique accessory that can change the look of your home completely. These types of table cloths require a lot of work and art skills, not to mention the time invested in each piece. Since not everyone is a master in crocheting an easy option ...

DIY Crochet Mermaid Blanket

The times when being cold had only dull solutions are long gone. With this impressive mermaid crochet blanket, every little girl’s dream takes a step closer to reality. The result of a decent amount of work hours is a beautiful blanket that resembles the lower half of a mermaid, ...

Beehive Crochet Baby Dress And Hat (FREE Pattern)

Wouldn’t you prefer a simple outfit for your kid that you can literally make yourself instead of the glamorous and rather kitschy clothes available in the shops? The DIY crochet project we suggest is a perfect example of why the handmade alternative is becoming so popular: it ...

Cute Galilee Booties Patterns

Making sure your kid is wearing the appropriate clothing will reduce the risk of him or her catching a cold. Cute crochet shoes are something that will provide with the necessary warmth as well as cuteness. Compared to usual shoes, they are more comfortable and can be worn a lot more ...

DIY – Crochet Baby Converse

Every kid knows that Converse spells cool on your feet! But with trends and technology reaching children at an increasingly younger age, it’s better to have solutions at hand instead of making your kid suffer from social exclusion when the next best thing is in everyone’s pockets, ...

DIY Crochet Flower Blanket

Handcrafted clothes and items are your favorite kind? Than you will definitely love this cute crochet flower blanket. Suitable for any child’s afternoon nap, it will not only make his or her sleep more comfy, but also their dreams more fluffy! The first benefit of such a blanket ...

DIY Crochet Rapunzel Character Hat with Long Braids

Fairytale characters are something all children adore, besides sweets. The habit of transforming everything that surrounds them at a certain point into parts of a fairy tale can be costly sometimes, because nowadays animated characters are marketed together with toys that bear their ...

DIY Crochet Baby Owl

When dealing with toys, uniqueness is important! We all know children are very picky with their toys. Seeing another kid playing with the same type of toy will perhaps condemn that toy to no play-time in the future. This handmade crochet baby owl will make sure this situation won’t ...
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