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3 Ingredients Energy Bars Recipe


You know when people give you advice on how to live a healthier life? How you should eat this and that? We present you a sure thing which will make them stop in their healthy `crusade`. So, next time people begin telling you what to eat and what not to eat, just tell them you make your own energy bars! Impressive, right? Continue reading “3 Ingredients Energy Bars Recipe” »

DIY Concrete Garden Hands


At first sight, this magnificent outdoor garden decoration might be confused with an artist’s sculpture. Evoking an almost Zen-like ambiance, the Concrete Garden Hands are used to both improve the design of your garden and fulfill a useful mission as a planter. In the DIY world, everybody is like an artist. You can make every day-to-day item almost from scratch in any manner you Continue reading “DIY Concrete Garden Hands” »

DIY Built-In Dresser


There are ideas and there are amazing ideas! One such latter thing is something we want to share with you on this webpage. You know when people complain about not having much space in their home for storage? And no creative piece of furniture seems to satisfy their need in a great way? Well, this built-in-dresser might change their mind! Mind you this DIY project is only Continue reading “DIY Built-In Dresser” »

Grain Silos Converted Into a Beautiful Modern Home


This next design has plenty of creative and modern elements. If you take a quick look at it, you may not even suspect the highly contemporary features it has, but when exploring it in detail you will be amazed about the awesome transformation of this silo house. The residence was created for a bachelor and also has some extra space for guests. The great advantage of a silo house is its shape, which offers a great view and also plenty of sunlight in the interior, Continue reading “Grain Silos Converted Into a Beautiful Modern Home” »

Authentic Vintage Kitchen Design


Making a unique interior design for your home involves a high amount of insight into your needs and attention to details. Once you manage to take care of these two, you are ready to search for a design that might work perfect for you and your home. Today, we present you one of the most authentic vintage kitchen designs out there. Continue reading “Authentic Vintage Kitchen Design” »

Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe


With the sunny warm days right behind the corner, you have to learn how to make a tasty and fresh dessert. So when it’s hot outside and you have no where to run away from the Sun, you will `fight` with this nice piece of dessert. We like to share this simple recipe for making vanilla ice cream. Continue reading “Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe” »

Hidden Litter Box


Having a pet is one of the nicest things ever as it can bring joy and happiness to your home. But sometimes you also have to think about some of the unpleasant parts when having a pet, such as a cat’s litter box. This is an object that needs to be cleaned constantly and many cat owners try to find a place where they can hide the box. That’s why the people from Good Pet Stuff thought about a great solution when it comes to litter boxes. As you can see, at a first look, Continue reading “Hidden Litter Box” »

DIY Vintage Daisy Crochet Pattern


When searching for a new and interesting pattern to apply on your clothes or decorations, you want to both impress and maybe create something new that other people would use to brighten up their days. This is the case of the vintage daisy crochet pattern. One glance at the spring-inducing model showcased on this webpage and you will instantly be transported to a time where things seem to be easier. The vintage effect of a bunch of daises could also be applied to specific pieces of décor, Continue reading “DIY Vintage Daisy Crochet Pattern” »

Space Saving Bedrooms & Beds


Space can be a big issue in a lot of home, that’s finding space saving methods is an important step when designing your loft. There are a lot of possibilities to create extra storage units and space for your things and these ideas can be approached both from a traditional and a modern way. Below you will find a selection of the best Continue reading “Space Saving Bedrooms & Beds” »

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