People Are Making Ghosts Out of Chicken Wire For Halloween and They All Look So Real

Halloween is just around the corner, and even though the pandemics might prevent people from trick or treating this year, it does not mean that decorating your house needs to be postponed too. If you want to scare your neighbors or simply bring a bit of the Halloween spirit in your ...

Illustrator Documents the Things She Discovers During Her Outdoor Adventures

Nature can offer so many, from resources to peace of mind and even artistic inspiration, and illustrator Jo Brown agrees with the latter. She is a UK-based artist who documents her outdoor explorations in the colorful Nature Journals collection. Brown fills notebooks with stunning ...

Origami Artist Creates Medieval Knight With a Sword and Shield From a Single Piece of Paper

Origami art is very popular with every age range, but the artistry behind it goes much deeper. For instance, Juho Könkkölä is a Finnish artist who chose origami az a medium to express his vision and creates fragile paper sculptures from a single sheet of paper. He first became ...


How about a pair of witch shoe candy dishes! These are going to look fantastic on the treat tables filled with goodies. A few alterations to a pair of ordinary shoes, a bottle of glitter and these are yours. I dare you not to try to put them on!

Artist Draws Intricate Rose Made of Thousands of Tiny “Lost Souls”

Richard Berner is a UK-based artist who makes you come back several times to his works, as they all hide tiny details which might not be visible at a first glance. His pen illustrations and intricate representations of common things, but hide lots of clever details. Berner was an ...


How to make wildly popular Christmas light balls! Using chicken wire and string lights, you can add DIY light balls to your outdoor Christmas decorations! These incredibly popular Christmas light balls are surprisingly easy to make with just a few supplies!

Talented man makes chairs from broken bathtub

There are lots of peculiar hobbies out there, and this next one is no exception. Showcasing both talent and great craftsmanship, a chairmaker called @AbChigz on social media is transforming old bathtubs into unique pieces of furniture. The talented designer found his true passion ...

Creative Firewood Stove From Plastic Chairs

Have you ever wondered how would it be to have your very own handmade stove in your kitchen? If this is your dream, then you can be a step closer to it after watching this cool tutorial on how to make your firewood stove. The best part about this is that you will be using recycled ...

Life-size Baby Dragon Pattern

This project began as an idea I had been thinking about for a while of a large, detailed dragon made of yarn. He definitely fulfilled the large portion of my vision with dimensions of: tip of nose to tip of tail: 8ft 6in, tip of nose to curve of tail: 4ft 2in, wing span: 5ft 8in, ...
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