How to Make Your Own Greenhouse Using Hula Hoops
Would you like to keep your plants protected and take care of their well growth? Is the project of a greenhouse scaring you? How about trying to build a greenhouse with hula hoops instead? Building a DIY greenhouse isn’t as scary as it may look at first sight. Actually, the DIY ...
10+ Greenhouses Made From Old Windows and Doors
Here’s a great idea. By upcycling, recycling and reclaiming old windows and doors you can build a greenhouse. Below, are 10 plus home greenhouses constructed from old doors and windows…Love this idea!!
How To Build A Simple Greenhouse
Are you planning to start seedlings in the spring or extend the season in the fall? The simplest solution for you is building a greenhouse. The process isn’t difficult and if you have a design and building plan, it shouldn’t take a weekend’s worth of work. For this ...
Extend Your Garden’s Growing Season: DIY Mini-greenhouse
Would you like to have fresh vegetables all year round and not be conditioned by seasons or weather? Then you should build your own mini greenhouse and grow the healthiest vegetables you can. Building a small greenhouse is very easy and it won’t occupy a lot of space. You can ...
Easy To Build Underground Greenhouse
The underground greenhouse (or pit greenhouse) is mostly buried into the ground because the soil helps keep the temperature constant, somewhere around 16 degrees, when placed at one-meter-deep, even if outside the thermometer shows a temperature below freezing-point.
Family Wraps Home In Greenhouse To Protect It From The Cold
For all the reasons to make and maintain a greenhouse, the members of this family had the most creative one: to protect them from cold weather! It may seem like an unaesthetic choice, because the actual home is engulfed in the greenhouse. But the results are quite convincing: it can ...
DIY Straw Bale Greenhouse
Building your own greenhouse is more easier than it sounds, especially if you already have a base you can transform. Take this next case, where an already built shed was turned into a green house, thanks to its great south facing position. The owner added a few raised beds to the ...
Jellyfish Barge: 750 sq ft Floating Agricultural Greenhouse
Thinking about having your own greenhouse but not sure about how to be practical, efficient and environmentally friendly? If you want to check the previous 3 points and at the same time use simple materials and low-cost technology in an innovative approach to growing plants, than ...
How to Easily Build a $50 Greenhouse – Free Plans
Tired of the same old tasteless but perfect looking, perhaps genetically modified, products you get from your local supermarket that are supposed to represent your daily intake of vitamins and minerals? If you ever dreamed about living independently then owning a greenhouse is a great ...